Dentures & Partial Dentures in Bond Head & the Bradford area

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Smile With Confidence

There are many reasons why someone might lose one or more of their teeth throughout their life. However, we still believe that everyone deserves a full, healthy smile. Dentures can help replace missing teeth and support your bite.

We customize dentures to your unique oral health needs, including full and partial dentures. If you’re wondering how dentures can support your smile, please contact us today to book your appointment. We can’t wait to help you smile with confidence.

How Dentures Can Serve Your Oral Health

Dentures are a custom-made set of artificial teeth. On top of providing a fuller-looking smile, dentures can also help restore your chewing and swallowing abilities, improve how you speak, and even improve the look of your jawline.

Types of Dentures

Using moulds of your mouth and jaw, we create your denture using comfortable, natural-looking materials.

After getting your dentures, we’ll teach you how to care for and clean them properly. Plaque and tartar can also build up on your dentures, so it’s important to treat them as you would your natural teeth. You will also need to clean your gums regularly to protect them from food particles and bacteria.

The 2 types of dentures we offer are:

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures, or full dentures, replace all of your natural teeth. These also come in 2 forms:

  • Immediate dentures, which you may use while your set of permanent dentures are being made.
  • Conventional dentures, which will be the set of permanent dentures you’ll use.

Complete dentures may require further tooth extractions. It might take a few months to get your final set of dentures, but our team will always be ready to address any concerns you may have.

Partial dentures replace only a small section of your teeth and are held in place using clasps on your remaining teeth. 

Find the Smile of Your Dreams

Dentures are common for many people, and it’s important to us to ensure your set fits comfortably and gives you the healthy, fuller-looking smile you deserve. Find out if dentures are a good choice for you when you book your appointment today!


Our Address

  • 2930 Simcoe County Road 27
  • Bond Head, Ontario L0G 1B0

Clinic Hours

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 12:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM 12:00 PM

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