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Category: Dental Health

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Can Braces Correct Jaw Alignment?

A young man with braces smiles and touches his cheeks.

There are many misconceptions surrounding the use of braces for correcting jaw alignment. Some people believe that braces can only correct crooked teeth, while others think they are only used for cosmetic purposes. However, braces can also be an effective treatment option for those with misaligned jaws. Jaw misalignment is a common orthodontic issue that […]

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Why Do My Gums Bleed When I Floss?

A young woman looking in the mirror and flossing while smiling

Some light bleeding while first beginning to floss is normal. Bacteria, plaque, and tartar buildup near the gumline can irritate and inflame your gums. Flossing to remove this buildup may make your swollen, irritated gums bleed. The bleeding should stop after a few weeks of consistent brushing and flossing because of improved gum health. If the bleeding continues, it may indicate an underlying health issue like gingivitis.  […]

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Can Cavities Be Reversed?

A dentist presenting a cross-section model of a tooth with cavities to a child.

Cavities occur from the buildup of plaque on teeth. Plaque contains bacteria that produce acids that weaken tooth enamel, leading to decay. You can reverse cavities when caught in the early stages with good dental hygiene practices.  […]

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