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What Is the New Canadian Dental Care Plan? 

A female patient using her CDCP dental insurance to pay for her dental exam.

The new Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) came into effect in December 2023 and will be gradually opened for applications throughout 2024 and into the start of 2025. The CDCP offers some dental coverage for specific eligible people but may not fully cover the cost of your dental services. It’s important to fully understand the […]

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How Do I Fix a Chipped Tooth?

A close-up of a patient's chipped front tooth.

Life’s ongoing adventures can sometimes result in sudden injuries that cause chipped teeth. Sudden pressure or biting something hard can also cause teeth to chip, leaving them visibly cracked, uneven, and damaged. This can lead to cosmetic and oral health concerns.  Depending on the extent of the damage, a chipped tooth can be repaired using […]

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Is Gum Disease Contagious?

A close up of the gums of someone suffering from gum disease.

In the realm of oral health, few topics stir as much confusion and concern as gum disease. Is it a silent epidemic lurking in our mouths? Can it spread from person to person like the common cold? These questions often arise, especially when considering the implications for our families and loved ones. Gum disease isn’t […]

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Are There Alternatives to Flossing?

A patient using a dental pick as an alternative to flossing their teeth.

Flossing might not be everyone’s favourite part of oral care, but it’s important for keeping your gums and teeth healthy. The good news? If you’re not a fan of traditional floss, there are alternatives that can get the job done just as well. From water flossers to interdental brushes, these options make it easier to […]

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What Is a Dental Recall Exam?

A patient at her dentist's office about to start her dental recall exam.

In the quest for a radiant smile and optimal oral health, many often overlook a crucial aspect of dental care—dental recall exams. A dental recall exam is your routine check-up with the dentist, designed to keep your oral health in check. These visits go beyond just cleaning your teeth—they help catch potential problems early, like […]

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What Can’t You Eat with Braces?

A young woman looking up on her phone what foods are safe to eat with her new braces while enjoying a salad.

Getting braces is a big step towards a healthier and more beautiful smile. However, it also comes with some dietary restrictions that might seem daunting at first. Knowing what you can and can’t eat is crucial for maintaining the health of your teeth and the effectiveness of your treatment. When you first get braces, your […]

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Can Braces Correct Jaw Alignment?

A young man with braces smiles and touches his cheeks.

There are many misconceptions surrounding the use of braces for correcting jaw alignment. Some people believe that braces can only correct crooked teeth, while others think they are only used for cosmetic purposes. However, braces can also be an effective treatment option for those with misaligned jaws. Jaw misalignment is a common orthodontic issue that […]

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Why Do My Gums Bleed When I Floss?

A young woman looking in the mirror and flossing while smiling

Some light bleeding while first beginning to floss is normal. Bacteria, plaque, and tartar buildup near the gumline can irritate and inflame your gums. Flossing to remove this buildup may make your swollen, irritated gums bleed. The bleeding should stop after a few weeks of consistent brushing and flossing because of improved gum health. If the bleeding continues, it may indicate an underlying health issue like gingivitis.  […]

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