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How to Relieve Tooth Pain from Grinding

A woman lying in bed in the morning, applying pressure to her jaw from grinding her teeth during the night

Are you experiencing tooth pain from grinding? Do you wake up with a sore jaw or sensitive teeth? If so, you’re not alone. Teeth grinding, or bruxism, typically happens at night, and the Canadian Sleep Society estimates it affects about 8% of adults and 14% of children. Fortunately, there are ways to relieve tooth pain […]

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How Often Should You Floss Your Teeth?

A woman looking into her bathroom mirror while flossing her teeth

There are many reasons to show off your brilliant smile, including having a healthy mouth and oral hygiene routine. When it comes to oral hygiene, you should floss your teeth at least once a day. Along with regularly scheduled dental exams and cleanings, your oral hygiene routine outside of the dentist’s office is very important. […]

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How Do You Get Cavities?

Close-up of toddler's mouth and a hand of a dentist holding a dental mirror examining her teeth with cavities

Brushing and flossing correctly is one of the most effective ways to prevent cavities. However, even if people practice good oral hygiene, they may develop cavities that need restorative care. A cavity, also known as tooth decay, is a hole that develops in the enamel of your tooth. Cavities start small and grow larger over […]

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