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What are TMJ Injections?

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A man with a pained expression on his face presses his jaw with his hand.

The temporomandibular joint serves as the crucial hinge connecting your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull. Problems with the muscle, bone, or tissue around the TMJ can lead to TMJ disorders, causing pain and other symptoms. 

While mouthguards can provide relief, severe symptoms may warrant looking at TMJ injections—injecting a steroid or numbing agent into the jaw muscles. Your dentist can recommend treatment for TMJ disorders based on your unique needs.

What Is a Temporomandibular Joint?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located on either side of your head and in front of your ears and connects your jawbone to your skull. The muscles, ligaments, and bones form part of this complex joint and allow movements such as rotation and moving forward, backward and side to side. 

These movements let you perform actions like chewing, speaking, swallowing, and yawning. However, when there’s a problem with the joint, it can lead to TMJ disorder. TMJ disorders can manifest with pain, difficulty in moving the jaw, and an audible clicking sound, significantly impacting one’s daily life. 

TMJ disorder symptoms can include the following:

  • Pain and tenderness in or around the ear, jaw joint, jaw muscles, face, or temples. 
  • Problems opening or closing the mouth.
  • A clicking, popping, crunching or grinding noise when chewing, yawning or opening the mouth.
  • Neck pain.
  • Headaches.

Causes of TMJ disorders can include:

Treatment for TMJ Disorder

Treatment for TMJ disorder can vary depending on the severity and underlying causes of the condition. Treatment and management for TMJ disorders can include:

  • Mouthguards
  • Warm compresses
  • Eating soft foods and cutting foods into smaller pieces
  • Being mindful to keep the jaw relaxed

While these strategies may offer relief for mild symptoms, more severe cases may require interventions such as medicine for pain, inflammation or tense muscles, massage and exercise, and surgery. 

A woman places her hand on the outside of her jaw due to TMJ pain

What Are TMJ Injections?

TMJ injections primarily target pain for those suffering from TMJ disorders. These injections can deliver anti-inflammatory medications directly into the TMJ, providing significant relief and improving jaw function. 

TMJ injections like Botox can help ease TMJ disorder symptoms. 

The TMJ Injection Treatment Process

The initial step of the TMJ injection procedure involves a comprehensive consultation with your dentist that can include a detailed look at your symptoms, medical history, and overall health status. This phase is crucial for tailoring the treatment plan to your specific condition.

Preparation might include an x-ray or other scans to provide a clear image of the TMJ, offering insights into the underlying causes of your symptoms and making sure the injection targets the optimal area. The injection process is generally quick and performed under aseptic conditions to minimize infection risk. 

Benefits & Possible Side Effects

TMJ injections can reduce pain and improve jaw movement, enhancing one’s ability to eat, speak, and yawn without discomfort. Post-injection discomfort is uncommon, and side effects are relatively rare. However, depending on the substance used, you can experience localized pain at the injection site. For this, you can use ice or heat.

FAQs About TMJ Injections

Here are some common questions and answers on TMJ injections.

Are TMJ Injections Painful?

While discomfort levels vary, most patients report minimal pain during the procedure, akin to a quick pinch, often mitigated by a local anesthetic.

How Long Do the Benefits Last?

The duration of relief can vary, usually influenced by the type of injection and individual patient factors.

Are There Any Restrictions Post-Injection?

Patients can apply ice to the injection site to reduce swelling or discomfort and avoid rubbing or massaging the injection site. 

Seeking Professional Advice

If you’re grappling with the challenges of a TMJ disorder, the prospect of TMJ injections might seem both promising and daunting. It’s vital to discuss your questions and concerns with your dentist to determine if TMJ injections are right for you and guide you through the complexities of this treatment option.

Relief from TMJ-Related Issues

TMJ disorders include various symptoms and discomfort that can affect daily life. Besides non-invasive options like medication and non-surgical treatment options, TMJ injections can help ease TMJ disorder symptoms. TMJ disorders, while complex, need not dictate the quality of your life. You can reduce jaw pain, facial pain, and headaches with the right treatment approach. If you experience persistent jaw pain, popping sounds, or other symptoms of TMJ disorder, schedule an appointment with Hill Top Dental Centre.

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Written by Hill Top Dental Centre

Our clinic offers dental exams and cleanings for children and adultsemergency care when you need it, orthodontics to help align teeth or adjust a bad bite, crowns to restore the function and appearance of your teeth, and many other services to support your smile.

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